
Gifts that Give Hope!

Looking for that unique gift for the person who has everything? How about giving a gift in their honor to a local non-profit that has many needs? When you purchase at the gift fair, not only will you find that unique gift, but you also give back to the community.

At the gift fair, shoppers will meet and learn about 24 local non-profit organizations, make a donation to a cause of their choice in honor of a friend or loved one, and receive an attractive card with a description of their "gift"

> YorkArts is offering three great gifts that give hope through the arts...

$25 - Art supplies for ART IN THE PARKS-a free program serving over 800 inner city kids.

$50 Visual Learning activities & art supplies for a classroom tour of a YorkArts exhibition.

$100 A scholarship for one child to attend a week at ARTS DISCOVERY CAMP

For more information and to shop on-line until December 31, 2010: http://www.giftsthatgivehope.org/york/


Looking for a NEW Poet Laureate!!!

Selection Process Announced For York’s Next Poet Laureate 

October 1, 2010 - York Mayor C. Kim Bracey announced today that applications for York’s Poet Laureate are now available. Qualifications for the two-year, unpaid position include (1) demonstrated achievement in a field or fields of the literary arts; (2) a willingness and ability to educate people in the mechanics and nuances of the literary arts; (3) the intent to live in the City or York County for the duration of the appointment; and (4) a devotion to the City as a cultural and social destination.  Any resident of the City or York County is eligible to apply.

Completed applications must be received at YorkArts, 10 N. Beaver Street by 5 p.m. on November 1, 2010.  Late applications will not be reviewed. The Selection Committee led by current Poet Laureate Carol Clark Williams will interview the top candidates in early November forward a recommendation to Mayor Bracey.

Applications are available at City Hall (50 West King St.), and YorkArts (10 North Beaver Street). Applications can also be downloaded here 2010 Poet Laureate Application

For additional information, contact Mindy Lombardo at YorkArts; 717.848.3200.


What's NEW !

YOU Are the Art in Motion Oct. 22, 2010
YorkArts and Fulton Bank are proud to present the 2nd Annual “YOU Are The Art In Motion” walking artwork event on Friday, October 22nd from 7pm until 10pm at the corporate office of Buchart Horn, 445 West Philadelphia Street in downtown York. Part fashion show, part masquerade ball, and all-out arts extravaganza, the “YOU Are The Art In Motion” Gala encourages guests to come dressed as their favorite works of art while they dance the night away to the music of JCA & DJ Evolution. Other highlights of the gala will include a silent auction featuring original artwork, unique jewelry, travel & experience packages, and more; prizes for the best costume; live music; and much, much more! A delectable selection of hors d’oeuvres, desserts and beverages will be served up all night.

All proceeds from the event will support arts programs for York City and York County youth. Admission is $40 per person, $35 for costumed guests or members of YorkArts.

In Betweens: Sept. 30 – Nov. 20, 2010
Meter Made by Susan Scofield
Artists Examine the Overlooked: This exhibit will focus on artwork examining those things overlooked, taken for granted, beautiful moments, people and things that otherwise slip through the cracks. Exhibit will be held at 10 N. Beaver Street Gallery. Opening Reception: Thursday, Sept. 30th 6-8 pm